Use the filter to discover the associated grape varieties and wine styles. The map is divided into three main regions: Pays Nantais, Anjou-Saumur and Touraine, with the remainder forming the Upper Loire Region. Click on a region to discover in-depth information on its appellations and sub-appellations. Highly recommended.How to use our interactive wine map of the Loire Valley The new 8th edition of the World Atlas of Wine is a great achievement. That said, I’d love to see even more detail about China (which was allocated an addition page in this revision), since the wine world’s center of gravity is slowly shifting in that direction. Each entry is a delicate balance of breadth versus depth and, while those with specialized interests may be frustrated, I think on the whole it works pretty well. There’s an emphasis of economy and selectivity throughout. You might think the challenge of a 416-page atlas is to fill the space, but the reality is just the opposite. Helena (Napa Valley), Brazil, and Uruguay. Seven regions get their own entries for the first time: Cyprus, Lebanon, Israel, British Columbia, St. All 230 of them (!) have been updated as necessary and 20 new maps drawn (plus new 3-D maps and soil maps). Inevitably, this process means that the maps at the core of any atlas have to change. The changes are not always obvious because they have been seamlessly integrated, but they are there on every page. That, of course, is what we have in this 8th edition. Much harder to do - so hard with a 400+ page book that it is almost crazy - is to rewrite everything taking the dynamic elements fully into account.
This saves time and money, but the result is necessarily uneven if only because some topics need a lot of updating and others less so, but the editorial format often calls for equal numbers of box opportunities. This makes the new material easy to spot and updating the book the next time is basically updating the boxes. The bulk of the text gets a once-over-lightly revision, while the new material is patched into using the boxes. So how do you redraw a world wine atlas? One approach I have seen to updating a big book makes heavy use of text boxes and call-outs. How can this dynamic be captured in a wine atlas? There are a couple of obvious approaches and I think Johnson and Robinson have chosen the best and most difficult one for this book. It might once have been possible to think about wine in terms of old world and new world, but today’s map is more of a tapestry, with global elements interwoven with exciting local developments. Tasmania and England are hot, attracting lots of attention and investment, precisely because they are cool - cool-climate, that is. Climate change and scientific research have altered wine’s physical domain, pushing grapevines into unexpected places. I won’t say that the convergence has stopped, but there’s been a reaction to it that focuses on differences and highlights indigenous grape varieties and traditional wine-making styles. I think the rise of efficient international bulk wine transport put a premium on sameness - more market opportunities if your Chilean wine can seamlessly substitute for California or Australia juice. A couple of decades ago it seemed like wine was on the path to global homogenization, she writes, with wine production everywhere converging on a few marketable varieties and even fewer popular styles. Robinson discusses the challenge in her introduction to the weighty volume. But that’s the task that Hugh Johnson, Jancis Robinson, and their team of expert collaborators set for themselves in the revisions that produced this 8th edition of The World Atlas of Wine. It’s quite an achievement. The idea that we must redraw the wine map is easy to talk about, but actually doing it turns out to be devilishly difficult.
And money - changing consumer patterns across the globe and among generations - is changing things, too. Climate change is redrawing the map - you’ve heard this before, haven’t you? And I’ve written about how globalization is redrawing the world wine map. The notion that we must redraw the world wine map comes up a lot. Hugh Johnson and Jancis Robinson, The World Atlas of Wine 8th edition.